So, now that you've done that, you can agree with me that she's basically too sweet, and no one can be that adorable.... WRONG! It's not an act, she really is just THAT sweet. Not only is she 8 months preggers and was on her feet for two classes which totaled about 8 hours together, but she also greeted and personally talked to every girl who waited in line. She told so many inspiring stories that touched my heart. Every person in the room laughed and cried, it was such an amazing experience that words can hardly describe.
The first class of the day was a lot more about the business aspect of being a makeup artist. She debunked a lot of myths, gave us great tips for working with all types of clients, and different ways to get jobs. Then the second class was a compilations of tips and tricks for applying makeup. I took so many notes and learned so much. I've already practiced on my mom and friend Michelle. I'm working on my website, have a photo shoot set up, am networking with who ever I can, and have started purchasing item for my makeup kit.
This is a crazy adventure I have set forth on, but I'm so exciting for what's to come!